We have no running vehicle right now and for the foreseeable future. It has been a comedy of errors, but no one is laughing here. A week ago, we only wanted to remedy the overheating of the truck, which was attributed to a broken head gasket. Once the truck got back together and was started, a cacophony of loud grinding sounds.....two camshaft gears were practically toothless, which meant the engine was put together wrong. Mechanics came and went for almost a week, and yesterday, we put a stop to it. It became obvious that they were stumped. So there it is.....dump stuck open and I will probably have it towed to the Isuzu dealer in Port.
We were able to sell the van for $2000 and that is the start of our vehicle fundraising. Momma Trisha is now doing hospital appts by loading up tap taps with 5-7 kids to Mirabalais. Food For the Poor runs for rice and beans in Port au Prince are out for awhile. We will spend money to replace what we have been getting for free.
It's always fun for the timouns when Amarillo, Texas comes to town!
It's not like going down the street to Publix and shopping for what you need. 90% of the food we buy comes from a primitive market that we have here. Every Wed/Sat we buy at the market and clean everything on down to lettuce leaves in bleach water. Everything here is prepared from scratch and we even make our own peanut butter and ground beef!
Both of our much used kitchen machines have given it all and are now kaput. Both machines
were a little underpowered for our kind of use. The mixer we want is a $700 one with an ice cream attachment......the nearest ice cream is 2 hours away! The main use is making specialty breads
like hot dogs rolls, dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, tortilla shells, pizza dough and bread. We have the attachment for pureeing fruit and vegetables for juices and sauces.
The food processor sees use almost every single day. We process everything from peanut butter to ground beef and a lot of veggies.....we had one a little smaller household version with plastic casing and gears and they can't take the pounding. This is one is made with metal.....it's about $350.
We need to train our socks to do this! |
Red is the present barricade and green is what we want barrier put in. |
We are really very private people here, a lot of that due to the culture. Our privacy has always been invaded by people cutting our trees, stealing out of our garden, young teen boys verbally abusing my wife and kids and marching voudou parades on our property. We want to expand our farming and we want to enclose our entire property. We are not asking the unusual, in fact we've gone the last four years in this environment.
Our kids and a bunch of local kids were just entertained a few weeks ago by a team of teens that visits every year from Texas. My kids removed themselves from many of the activities because of the rough and tumble of the local kids. Our children are very kind and considerate of others and that was the best surprise of that event for Momma and I. They don't go to school due to the mob mentality of the people and their ignorance of AIDS. We home school.
I want to provide more garden and grazing space, a mini soccer field and add chickens. We can't because the grounds are insecure. That will cost 30K, but we are continuing to take more children......and we've always planned this down the road......down the road is now.
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