Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Whole Lotta Joy!

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7

......and it's quieter, cleaner and dry!  It took almost 2 weeks to prepare and only 7 hours to pour. It ends the process started over a year and half ago, with four pours and over $20K worth of steel, cement and labor.  Most importantly it's a family room and we've never had one.  It will be a gathering place for the whole family. A place to sit and watch movies, put together puzzles, read and just be together.  We're so very thankful for the effort put forth by the wonderful team that put it together!

         They also augmented Christmas packs for all the kids and did tie dye shirts and decorated our house and tower with lites!  God bless you Laura, Karen, Gary, Will, Kevin, Nick and John! John has a vision for us and surrounds himself with these folks that have loved us!  Heather couldn't make it, but sent a large stack of reading and Math books for us.

          The biggest surprise came with the many Haitians that came and stood to see the lights.....they were really very happy about it!

                   I think the kids were more than a little amazed when we bought the new refrigerator and it was just so big after having an apartment model for all this this time! This is from a very lovely lady in the great white north.....Canada! The old one was starting to rust out and not sealing very good......the freezer was another appliance that is gone and we will buy another very soon.  A gentleman in Florida gave us money specifically for that reason. God is GOOD!!

We were also blessed by a doctor, who among all the time he gives to kid's health in this country, funded our new inverter and battery bank!  Here's Momma with her baby, Speckles and $3500 worth of new electric supplies, which will make a drastic cut in our fuel usage for electricity.

We now have the funds to bring our dining room into reality!  The floor was done over a year ago by the folks from Colorado and we've now got funds enough for ceiling, windows and doors and even a new floor.  Watch our progress on Facebook "Haiti Comfort, INC"

           Here's Nadia and I teaching the 5 yr olds to print....they like school and can be very tenacious learning new skills.  I could not do it alone, if it weren't for Nadia.  I am out a teacher, so I'm taxed extra hard this year.  I have my first five, who I am working hard with reading.(Nadia, William, Christian, Louvensky and Darlensky)  These four pictured with primary skills (Mason, Marissa, Michael and Romise) and Kevins, the new kid has grasped English pretty quick and stubborn Elda is finally coming around make up my third class.  I really could use some help and really would love a missionary to come and run a chunk of what we do here, to include evangelism.  The Cubans really weren't up to basic standards of teaching or fostering new Christians.  Cuba is a quasi-Third World country, much like everything else in the Carribean. Suffice to say, I really would love an American who loves the Lord!  It would take a little time to get spun up on Kreyol, but all my kids speak and are taught in English.