Monday, March 12, 2012

MARCH newsletter!

SANTIAG         After a little over 5 weeks, Santiag is doing much better!  He still doesn't nap on schedule, but he is eating almost everything we give him.  Of course, some times we have to open his mouth for him, but he swallows it anyway.  There have only been a few instances of making himself vomit in the past couple of weeks,and that is a tremendous improvement.  He is smiling more and crying less.  He seems more confident that we aren't ready to leave him at any minute, but still he has abandonment issues.  We all want to hold him and love him to assure him, but he still pushes us away and fights getting too close. We will draw him in a little more each day until he can't remember the pain of living unloved, in a bed for a year.  He is really a very sweet boy who has had too many problems in his short little life.  Too many children are seen as disposable here in Haiti, especially those that are HIV+.  Santiag has AIDS & TB and is on medication for both. The TB meds are for 6 months and the AIDS meds are for life. Please pray for Santi's continued improvement and for the health of other HIV+ babies around the world.....Trisha

        Lange, me, Zoe, Mika and Fenan worked our tails off over 3 weeks to prepare for the 2nd floor pour in Feb.  This group has been pretty static over two years now, even though there have been large lapses of time, when there was no money to build.

<<<      The pour lasted all of 6 hours with about twenty people and was very successful.   We gained over 900 sq ft of "dry" living space.  We are aiming to finish off another 600 (<<<orange boxed areas) and will work on finishing the rooms and temporarily move most of the kids beds to the classroom.....and maybe knock off the final 1/3 (blue box) later this summer.  We will be working on finishing the kitchen and then use the shakoun as it was originally intended, a toddlers playroom.....but it too, has been a unique room to hang out in with people who come to visit, so I don't believe the toddlers will have complete control over it!

        It becomes more and more like a home everyday.  The courtyard is the center of activity......and as you can see the bikes are always out during the day.  We have consistently had problems with people stealing trees, goats ripping up things in the garden, people cutting our donkeys lose and sometimes just generally harassing us.  We guard our kid's bikes with a passion!  We're in a mood to tighten things up around here and circumvent any mob rule is the reason our children can not be out and about, that is, due to their disease and the ignorance of it that abounds.  We will start soon to put the entire 8 acres behind a wall.  We have always felt the Master's protection, but familiarity breeds contempt and the incidents have been constant.....please keep us in your prayers.....Ray

    FAMILY!       The biggest excitement last month was the first visit from a family member, our daughter, Cassie!  If you have ever visited here, you know how much we (Trisha and I) enjoy people from the states that come to stay.  We get charged as much as the kids and it's very important to us.  Cassie and I burned the midnite oil, talking and laughing and it was a most enjoyable visit.  I remind you that we have a little bunkhouse that will hold six and a tower that will hold a couple more.  We're stocked with clothes, personal hygiene supplies and plenty of linen, a shower room, flush toilets, clean water and a sparkling little river that abuts our property.....Ray

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